Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ILS-iPod touch

Maybe you all know, I bought an Ipod Touch

Yeah I did, though I WAS against Apple, I hated iTunes and all those accesories that were specially made for Ipods, not that they aren't cute, it's just unfair for other mp3/4 players brands.
They are a monopoly!
I love my Sony mp4, but there are just too little accesories and products to support that poor thing,
but that's not the main reason why I replaced it.
It's that the one I have, had only of 4GB memories, and that was enough for me in the beginning, but then everytime I add new songs I had to delete my old songs, I hate doing that!!
So I was looking for a new mp3/4 player, I've always been satisfied about the Sony ones, cuz I don't have to use iTunes and that kinda stupid programmes
But I couldn't find any, so I started to look at the Apples.
Then I thought, an Ipod touch is pretty cool, and I saw that one from Yuki too!
First I wanted 32GB, cuz I wanted to make sure that I always have enough space to keep my music.
When I looked at the price...OMG 280Euro's? CONFUSING....
And since there's no 16GB for the 3rd generation, I got 8GB.

since this is a make up blog and I am not really good at introducing/describing electronic accessories so I'll stop here with talking, and show you some pics.

BTW I ordered 2 cases on Ebay, there are all bling bling cristal covers!

Second rhinestone case, which I'm using right now

Haha I've been playing this for days and nights, it's soo cool
I can watch video's, listen to music, internet, tweet, msn, game and even more on this thing

After using my Ipod touch for 4-5 months I know why people keep buying Apple products...
Simply, it's more fun!
So don't blaim people who buy Apple products, cuz costumers are the most honest ones
They won't spend their money on something less fun when they have the choice and ability to purchase the better ones.

I hope you enjoyed reading something which isn't about make up/ fasion that kinda stoff xD
C U next time=)

1 comment:

otilia said...

your blog is handsome,you're great,good luck :*