Sunday, February 14, 2010

R--> MAC Dazzleglass Jingle Jangle

I got this lipgloss from an uncle as a Christmas present(one of all those MAC goodies he gave me)
He got this in Taiwan last year when the Holliday Collection of MAC was still on sale.

I really like this color, it has a pinky/orangy base and purple, orange, and gold glitters
It reflects very beautiful in the sunlight

Just as every dazzleglass, it's sticky and has a standard MAC vanilla smell.
What I've notice is this dazzleglass won't make my lips have that white membrane
I don't know if they changed the ingredients, but I always have that white membran with my other 2 dazzleglasses.

It last very long just like normal, I did not lost any glitter in 5 hours and it's like I just applied it.
And I'm sure that it can last longer than 5 hours.

Product: 4/5
2nd? 5/5

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