Heey heey,
2 weeks ago I pressed my broken eyeshadow MAC Fineshine
And it was a succes, so I decided to press my pigments too
I think it's easy to follow, especially when you're not that good in DIY's, just like me
I tried to find some empty eyeshadow cans(or something like that) in the city, but I couldn't find them, so I decided to look on Ebay(which is bad for me, bc I ordered 2 more things that time=_=) for empty PALETTES! Then I found one palette including 15 empty cans with a diameter of 26mm, that is more or less the size of a 50 eurocent.
This palette's perfect for pressing eyeshadows, bc the cans are not stick on the palette itself and it was only $8.99 or something(I can't even remember=P)
The case is black and undecorated.
Year ago, I got 10 pieces of MAC pigments (sample size) in the following colors:
Teal (Which I gave to Paola, bc I got an other one in SE size)
Emeral Green
Golden Olive
Golden Lemon
Steel Blue
Electric coral
Your Ladyship

And I also have 5 SE pigments in:
But I only pressed the first 4, bc I wasn't sure if this method will work with MAC glitters.
Pink Mauve
Reflects Blackened Red(Glitter)
besides, i made my own eyeshadows:
I just mixed eyeshadows, pigments together...
Don't ask me which one I used, bc I don't even remember it=_=
Ooh yeah I also pressed GOSH effect powder in Rose Gold and Blue bell
I can say, the color before and after pressing is almost the same, some are even more beautiful!
As I said, you can't even see the difference, my mother says that the color after pressing is more beautiful than the color in loose powder.
All you need is a small bottle of alcohol, I got it from the Kruidvat for 1-2 EURO's
And it's 96% Alcohol, it smells like perfume=_= it does not have a alcohol smell
Besides I used the AH coin for shopping cart and a kitchen towel for pressing the eyeshadows.
Because of the small amount of the sample size MAC pigments, I pressed 2 colors in 1 can. And I accidentaly add too much alcohol in Vanilla, so I decided to mix Vanilla(with too much alcohol) with Emeral Green. And I put it together with Your Ladyship. It's kinda good combination though, makes me thinking of Paul & Joe..dunno why...haha?
The Duo's
Left-> right
Electric Coral+Golden Lemon
Steel Blue+ Golden Olive
Your Ladyship+ Vanilla+Emerald Green
Swatch on a paper towel
Every time just add a small amout alcohol and mix the pigments with a tool(Just like what Koren has, I have that in a smaller size)
After pressing, I decorated the case MY eyeshadow palette with stickers. You can do it too, use your creativity=) you can use any thing you want...Lace, stickers or just left it undecorated:P Keep it simple..
Frost-> Blue Bell-> Rose Gold-> Teal
Quietly-> Home made eyeshadow-> Home made eyeshadow-> Pink Mauve
I am planning to make/mix some eyeshadows, and press them into those 3 left pans.
2 Feb.
My pressed Gosh Effect Powder broke for the second time, so I decided to throw it away, bc I pressed it twice, and I don't know if it's still going to work for the third time, and I still have a lot left in my original packaging.
BUT Rose Gold(The other color of GOSH) Didn't broke...I don't know why, I also pressed it twice=S (Confused)